“Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense”
Mark Overby
I was never more aware of another world, apart from our own, than I was in the summer of my 17th year.
How had I never been conscious of this other world
This is the story of a young girl, Cheryl, who in her 17th year of life, discovers there is another world, the world of the supernatural. She is suddenly thrust into this new world and falls in love with Duncan, a knight in shining armor. Excerpt from
Something in the Blood:
When we walked in the door, it seemed like everyone was staring at us, or at Duncan anyway. The lady behind the podium smiled like she knew him. “Hi Duncan, do you want the usual table?”
“Yes, that will be just fine.” He answered back. It made me wonder if Duncan brought a lot of girls to this place. I felt a small twinge of jealousy but I quickly got over it as we were escorted to our table.
“The best table in the house, as always.” The lady said. Duncan smiled and the waiter came over quickly and asked what we'd like to drink. “I'll take a Coke.” I said. Duncan said he was fine and the waiter nodded and went to get my drink. I looked around and looked out the big window next to us. The view was breathtaking. We could see almost the entire city from this window. I could see why it was the best table in the house as I took in the view.
“So,” I began. “Are you some kind of space alien?”
Duncan looked puzzled and his eyebrows came together just above his nose in an endearing way. I thought how damned cute he looked when he did that.
“What do you mean, space alien?” He almost had a laughable tone to his voice when he asked me.
“Well people seem to all know you, almost revere you. I just wondered if you have some alien quality about you or something.”
“Oh, you mean like the X-Files kind of thing?” He seemed to be mocking me, but not in a bad or malicious way.
“Well yeah, maybe like the X-Files thing.”
“Yes I'm an alien and the hearse strikes you as a space ship?”
“Yeah, OK so maybe you can shape shift the hearse and make it seem like it's a car.” The minute I said that, it sounded dumb, even to me.
“Nope, not an alien, at least not a space alien anyway.”
I wondered what in hell that meant, 'not a space alien.' But I dropped that question. “Well, a rock star, a celebrity of some sort?”
“Nada, none of the above, sorry to disappoint you. Were you hoping for some mystery here?”
I pondered what he said for a minute and just as I was going to ask more, the waiter asked if we were ready to order.
Duncan looked at me: “Ladies first. Do you know what you want?”
“A burger? Is it OK to order a burger in this fancy place?”
Duncan smiled and said: “Whatever you like. I like a lady who's easy to please. Do you think you can whip up a burger for my date?” He was looking at the waiter and smiling.
“Absolutely, Sir. How do you want that? Medium, rare or well done, Madame?”
“Oh, well done, and some fries too, with gravy?”
“Certainly, Madame, coming right up. And you, Sir, what can I get for you?”
“I'll take a steak, very rare.”